Thursday, March 07, 2013

Obfuscated Life

f=lambda g,r,n,s:s if n==0 else'\n'.join([s,'='*50
,g(g,r,n-1,r(s))]);l=lambda q:'\n'.join([''.join([
'*'if x in(5,6,7) else' 'for x in a])for a in [map
(sum,zip(*b))for b in zip(*[[z[x:]+z[:x]for z in [
[(2-(1-abs(x))*(1-abs(y)))*w for w in r]for c in[[
[1 if s == '*' else 0 for s in p] for p in q.split
('\n')]]for r in c[y:]+c[:y]]] for x in(-1,0,1)for
y in(-1,0,1)])]]); iters=65 ;print(f(f,l,iters,"""
*                                                *
*         ***      ** **      ***    **          *
*         *  *    *  *  *    *       **          *
*         ***      *   *      **     **          *
*         *  *      * *         *                *
*         ***        *       ***     **          *
*                                                *
""".strip()))  # LIFE # 2013/3/7 # Stephen Hicks #
You can fill in any initial position you want (but make sure it is a rectangle (i.e. the same number of characters on every line) and that the first and last characters are not spaces (any non-asterisk will do to signify an empty cell)).